So many people have asked what do I do? And why is it people choose me to secure places for them? Because I am much more than just a realtor. And for new start ups, this can mean the difference between spending thousands of dollars on the wrong advice, wrong business decisions, and avoidance of possible problems new start ups face, that will lead to business closing even before you see any profits.
Instead of explaining why I am much more than just an "Agent", and more of your business partner, your eyes on the ground, your Business Consultant with years of experience, I will let the pictures do the talking.
All these units were set up this year, and all built from scratch.
All units were advised on
1. What kind of company to incorporate
2. What kind of procedures needed to secure NEA food licence for shop, the food kitchen setup
3. What kind of procedures needed to secure personal food hygiene certificate
4. What is compliant for Fire Safety setup, FSB
5. Marketing and positioning of business
6. Equipment setup
7. Furniture setup
And of course, my core business, REAL ESTATE, leasing your ideal shop